Creates the points that define a hexagon polygon for plotting

fortify_hexagon(data, sf_id, hex_size)



a data frame created by the allocate function


a string to indicate the column to identify individual polygons


a float value in degrees for the diameter of the hexagons


a data frame of the seven points used to draw a hexagon


# same column is used in create_centroids
fortify_hexagon(data = tas_lga_hexctr, sf_id = "lga_code_2016", hex_size = 0.2)
#> # A tibble: 174 × 16
#>    lga_code_2016 longitude latitude points focal_longitude focal_latitude
#>    <chr>             <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>            <dbl>          <dbl>
#>  1 60210              148.    -41.4 Hobart            147.          -42.9
#>  2 60210              148.    -41.4 Hobart            147.          -42.9
#>  3 60210              148.    -41.4 Hobart            147.          -42.9
#>  4 60210              148.    -41.4 Hobart            147.          -42.9
#>  5 60210              148.    -41.4 Hobart            147.          -42.9
#>  6 60210              148.    -41.4 Hobart            147.          -42.9
#>  7 60410              147.    -42.7 Hobart            147.          -42.9
#>  8 60410              147.    -42.7 Hobart            147.          -42.9
#>  9 60410              147.    -42.7 Hobart            147.          -42.9
#> 10 60410              147.    -42.7 Hobart            147.          -42.9
#> # ℹ 164 more rows
#> # ℹ 10 more variables: focal_dist <dbl>, focal_angle <dbl>, rownumber <int>,
#> #   hex_long <dbl>, hex_lat <dbl>, hex_id <int>, long <dbl>, lat <dbl>,
#> #   point_id <int>, poly_type <chr>